Tired of Converse? Try These Cooler Canvas Sneakers Instead

Converse Chuck Taylors dominate in summer. But some men find them too ‘young’ or obvious. Here, a few alternatives.
By Nathan Taylor Pemberton
MAY TO OCTOBER is canvas-shoe season for guys. When it’s warm out, simple sneakers made of light cloth and vulcanized (hardened) rubber take on an air of inevitability. Or at least, one model does. So ubiquitous are Converse Chuck Taylors that the iconic, century-old kicks can appear to be the only canvas option on the menu. Their trademark five-pointed stars (or, in trendier neighborhoods, hearts from Converse’s popular Comme des Garçons Play collab) dominate sidewalks across America.
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Tired of Converse? Try These Cooler Canvas Sneakers Instead