If You Work In The Luxury Resort Or Travel Industry, Tell Me What It’s Really Like To Deal With The “Ultra Rich”
There are rich people, and then there are rich people.
You know, the types who go to White Lotus-style resorts or have family vacations on giant yachts.
If you’ve ever had to work for people like that, whether at said resort or in another travel-related capacity, I want to know all your wildest stories.
Maybe you had a resort guest who decided to indulge their rockstar fantasies and absolutely trash their room.
Or one who completely monopolized the time of a particular employee.
Or perhaps you worked as a caterer for a wealthy family who wasted an astronomical amount of food during a vacation at their summer home.
Whatever it is, let me know in the comments (or via this Google form if you want to remain anonymous) for a future BuzzFeed Community post.
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If You Work In The Luxury Resort Or Travel Industry, Tell Me What It’s Really Like To Deal With The “Ultra Rich”