7 Things I’ll Never Wear to the Airport in the Summer


There was once a time when I didn’t think too hard about what I would wear to the airport. The only criteria was that it be cute and not too sloppy. But after years of being uncomfortable and annoyed by my outfit choices, I’ve finally reformed. I have some summer travel on the horizon, and there are a few things you can bet you won’t see me wearing in the terminal.

One of the more challenging things about dressing for the airport in the summer is changing temperatures. While airport terminals and planes are often freezing, it’s likely sweltering outside the airport. While I still struggle with what to wear to get around this temperature predicament, I’m always confident about what I’m not wearing on summer travel days.

Below is the list of items I’ll never wear to the airport in the summer and what you’ll catch me wearing instead. 

7 Things I’ll Never Wear to the Airport in the Summer

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